June 22, 2009

a few pictures to tide you along

I am finally settling in to my routine in Gulu. I have just completed my first day of classes with my fantastic teaching partner Okaali John and was able to find a few minutes to visit Cafe Larem near where I am staying. Not only is Larem an internet cafe, they serve real coffee, brownies (who would have thought you could find brownies in Gulu!?), and even drive ice cream all the way up from Kampala! I am sure you will hear more about the cafe (and its owners Justin and Rita) in a later post.

I have been journaling about my trip and my experiences thus far (including eating a real salad made with actual lettuce at a formerly exiled politician's homestead outside of Gulu Municipality), but am falling terribly behind when it comes to typing them out. Now that I am settling in to my routine, I am going to make an effort to find some of the juicy stories in my journals and post them here.

For the time being, I hope that I can supplicate your desire to read all about my adventures with a few silly photos from the trip so far.


...So...the photos are not loading so quickly here...I am sure that the pictures in your mind are even better than anything I would plop on this page anyway. Take care!


  1. Brownies? Lettuce? And here I was imagining you suffering.

    I hope all is going as well with your classes!

  2. Matt!! I can't believe it's half way through your trip! I read Ryan J's blog, and it sounds like you guys are doing great. I've also heard a lot from Wendy. Sounds like you guys had a great time at Rhinos.
    Danielle and I had a good time on the AT, but it was short lived due to blisters. We spent time reminicing about Pabo, and we hope you're enjoying this year as much as last.
    Can't wait to hear more. Don't get too behind on your journal entries. There's much more to do in Gulu than in Pabo, thus less time to write!


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